Mental Health Matters
Medical Student Blogger
Resources Applying Medical School
Premed Motivation Instagram
CV building for Fellow Medical Students

I am always excited to chat about any ideas you may have, and am certainly open to sharing my own ideas, opinions, and experiences from promoting other companies and products.
Thank you in advance for understanding that I will only support companies, products, and causes I wholeheartedly believe in, have complete trust in, and can genuinely endorse.
If we do collaborate, I am happy to share your product and/or content on my Instagram account, Facebook page, and/or blog and if agreed upon I can add product reviews - however, the emphasis in this area is to benefit my readers.
Look forward to hearing for you!
Let’s collaborate to promote your brand or product!

"Whether in an underserved area’s volunteer-based clinic or in a large
urban metropolis with state-of-the-art hospitals, I believe patients
everywhere can benefit from a 'small-town' relationship with their physician."